There is now a bar open in London where you actually just breathe in a fine mist of gin and tonic instead of consuming alcohol the good ole fashioned way... shot-gunning cans of Natty Light.
Yes, you did just read that correctly. You breathe in the alcohol. Apparently, before entering, you put on some sort of futuristic E.T. space suit (seen here)

that apparently protects your clothes from the g & t mist. Which makes me wonder, if you're down with breathing in alcoholic vapors (or vapours for all you Wankers out there), do you really care if your clothes get soaked in booze??? When inhaling booze, isn't it just a natural progression of events for your clothes to get soaked?? Then, shortly after the clothes soaking, I think the next logical step is passing out on the street.
In any case, customers are charged $7.00 for an hour of glorious time spent inside the booze machine, and apparently the creators of the bar, Sam Bompas and Harry Parr, "have carefully calculated the 'mixology' of alcohol vapour in the air to give you a slightly merry buzz in 40 minutes."
This has really got to be an alcoholic's heaven - imagine drinking AND breathing in alcohol... Can life get any better??? I submit that it canNOT! Also, if you get buzzed in 40 minutes, what happens when 2 AM rolls around and you've been in there since 9... I'll tell you what happens - Magic. Happy drinking everybody.
Cheers Mikechoppers!
dear mike,
greg and i think, well, greg thinks, mikechop is better than bringing recycled news to the people, it is not choptastic, lacks chopluster. in other adam thinks that that entry sucked ballsack. the sigh of the apocalypse is that you cheers'ed a lack of chop or 'mike sans chop' as lisa said. so go blog yourself, you missed a bacon log, let me consult real quick...bacon log, or blog, says you missed a bacon log.
my meat log representation: real log via text:
take er easy sir. word verification 'goterso'
holy crap i wrote this shit? 'viess'
i must have been f**king hammered. for a minute i thought greg hijacked my choosum account somehow and posted as 'spituran' that is awesome.
actually, you know what is funnier, i thought i'd read an article about that in the nytimes or something...the moment i read the first few sentences i was like oh yeah i read about that! now i'm not sure if i read that or if i read it on your blog and just forgot... 'bacoctos' sounds like bacon tacos
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