Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I want one!!!

Many thanks to the Tilozoid for this little gem:

How sweet would it be to swim with one of those.  Granted, my kick sucks donkey balls, so it probably wouldn't matter anyway, but still...  

I think the coolest part is when they talk about "hydrotouring," which is essentially 'swim-camping.'  Swimming tens of miles each day with a little waterproof backpack containing a GPS, satellite phone, and a little food and water for a few nights--I mean, how flippin' sick does that sound?!?!?  I think that would be sooooo cool.  I guess I'll just file that under things to do when not gainfully employed or something...  Right next to hiking the Appalachian Trail...  Someday, someday...

***Just in case you're wondering why there's a random picture of me posted here from freshmen year trying to imitate the mini-shark vacuum cleaner, it's because I wanted to show everyone what would happen if you wear this new dolphin fin contraption and then slowly morph into some sort of marine a shark.  (Note how my hair is spiked into a shark fin....Brilliant call on that one Adam and Deeg..)


choosum said...

that's my arm, and our wall says 'marry it' if you love it so much, strawberry shortcake. ps i'm sitting here at work wishing i had a road to redemption like TI also. you should do a post that at least mentions his name or something, since your blog title has sort of a long shot similarity to one of his songs, and now the same has occurred with one of your blog posts. additionally, i agree with greg, good leading there, had the hand guide down the stairs for the goomba, only buttoned two jacket buttons, and didn't fall. i congratulate you on that, you've made 3rd floor houston proud. prouder than binh and carlos will make us for being on americas most wanted (okay, okay, that was terrible, but maybe animal police?). the word to post this is 'consh' which makes me think of conchita, which would be a sweet dog name. i need to become caffeinated. remember the espresso blend crack juice we made junior year so that we could live the dream of going t wonderland? what happened to that video anyway, "hello? jesus hears you!" as firetrucks and cop cars fly by we are filming a church. this was basically a mini blog post, i should just cut and paste it into my deadbeat excuse for a blog. i'm going to the celtics v cavs game tomorrow, eat my shorts.

Big Mike said...

that was the greatest blog comment ever. i do need to give t.i. a shout out at some point, but for now i will just continue to reference him in every way possible, kind of like when we made the never ending sentence out of u2 song titles... i also have to agree on the binh/carlos assumption, as i fear it might end up being very very true... as for that tape, i still have it...i need to get on editing it and putting it all together...what a day wonderland was...and how amazing was the starbucks espresso that kept me in college. geeez. i hope lebron drops a quadruple double all over you and stupid starbury (who i was very pleased to see had zero points on 0 for 2 shooting in his debut the other nite...what an acquisition! hahaha)

choosum said...

haha okay okay, first of all, debut nite against the pacers he had 8 points i believe, against the pistons, however, he not only scored zero points, but got raped at half court by will bynum. will who? will bynum. oh, right, that guy. what? where's africa? conchita out. word verif: loccalin

choosum said...

second of all, if lebron drops a quadruple double, paul pierce will have had to be in his grave before the game starts. on an unrelated note, what % body fat do you think lebron has? and what about rondo? probably 4% combined.

Big Mike said...

dood, so true..lebron and rondo are not fat... i have been watching some of this game on espn and i seriously cannot tell you how much i'm enjoying watching stephon suckbury play like absolute crap. it's beautiful. one of those things that should happen but never does...until now! yes! there is a god!! also, joe smith is getting bent over by leon powe of all people...hang your head in shame joe smith.