After seeing Michael Phelps the other day on the Today show promoting his new book, I couldn't help but associate him with Rocky.
And no, I'm not referring to the Rocky we all know and love who had the Eye of the Tiger and went the distance against Apollo in Rocky. Nor am I referencing the driven, buffer Rocky who defeated Apollo in the epic Rocky II. Seeing as how there were no huge Russian doods named Drago on the Today show that morning, Rocky IV is clearly out. And sin

ce Michael Phelps does not suck and isn't a senior citizen making a boxing comeback, I can't be talking about Rocky V or Rocky Balboa.
So, sports fans, that leaves us with the cocky, complacent Rocky from Rocky III. Yes, that would be the Rocky who got his sh!t rocked against the hungry up-and-coming Clubber Lang. The Rocky who lost his mojo and had to go for a run on the beach and a frolic in the water with Apollo. Aren't the similarities striking??? Both Rocky and Phelps rise to the absolute top of their sport. Both Rocky and Phelps then l
ose their focus and begin to indulge in material wonders.
Rocky poses for photo shoots while he's supposed to be training and lives the lavish famous celebrity lifestyle, Phelps tries to be an actor and goes on Saturday Night Live and parties with Playmates. Rocky's wise and slightly cooky trainer/manager Micky dies tragically sending Rocky into a depression. Phelps' coach Bob Bowman remains in perfect health and his mom stays as rabid as ever... Rocky holds on to his title by fighting chumps and crazy wrestlers like Thunderlips. Phelps...could still beat anybody in the world with his eyes closed.
Ok, ok, I admit that the similarities really aren't that striking... It's pretty much a huge stretch. Let's be serious, anyone who doesn't think that Phelps could get back into intense training tomorrow and be ready in a couple months to give the collective world a giant Olympic smackdown needs a serious reality check.
But with that being said, doesn't it seem like Phelps is getting a little distracted and caught up in the wrong things (except for the Playmates, of course)? I mean, it seems like all I ever see in Page Six of the New York Post are blurbs about him throwing down tens of thousands of dollars on craps games in Vegas, or spots about him partying all night, or writing books...
Then again, I guess if anyone deserves to take some time and do whatever the hell he wants it's Michael Phelps. He's earned it (literally and figuratively-I think he's due to make something like 10 or 20 mil
lion a year for awhile). The guy missed like 2 practices in 5 or 6 years (see Rick Reilly SI article--if I wasn't so lazy I would find it and link it and tax the pross, but alas, I am, so you're just gonna have to trust me here). Kid worked out doubles 7 days a week, 365 days a year, forEVER. On Christmas. On his birthday. On New Years. On Arbor Day.
And you know what? While I point out all this about Phelps losing his focus and partying and whatnot, I will say this: If Michael Phelps is content with what he has achieved (IMHO more than any other swimmer in the history of the sport), than more power to him. He should do whatever he wants and enjoy every second of it. As I said before, he's earned it. I'm certainly not saying he should or shouldn't be partying; I'm simply making an observation (BTW, can anyone tell me if that is a correct usage of a semicolon??? How dumb am I that I really have no clue when you use a semicolon? Geeez... I think you use it when both phrases are complete sentences, but one is kind of a continuation of the other??? It's kind of interchangeable with a hyphon?? Bueller?)

Now, with all this said, I will say that something tells me Phelpsy boy is not content with what he's done and he will continue to dominate at least one more Olympics (although he will definitely NOT pursue 8 golds again--Pretty sure he's already stated that) and multiple World Championships.
And I think we can all agree on something. He definitely needs to set up an exhibition fight with Thunderlips. Giddy-up!