Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carpe the Great Diem

Do you ever wake up and have something happen to you to start your day and realize, "Whoa! This is going to be a GREAT day!!!"?  Yesterday was just such a day for yours truly.

6:54 AM:  Wake up to the sound of Zara laughing at my alarm ringing.  "Dun dun-dun DUN dun-d-dun dun..." (Yes, I'm well aware that it's kind of weird to set your alarm for 6:54.  Well, I'm a weird guy.)

6:54:12 AM:  As I stretch my arms across the bed and contemplate waking up, I reach over and feel something large, wooden object in my bed next to me.  Upon further inspection the picture frame, previously hanging about 2 and a half feet above the right side of the bed, is now lying on the bed next to me.

6:55 AM:  As I emerge from my early morning wake-up haze, I finally realize how lucky I am that I decided to sleep on the left side of the bed, thus avoiding having a heavy wooden frame dropped on my poor defenseless sleeping face.

7:00 AM:  Since it had absolutely poured all night long, I ask Chris and Zara if I can borrow an umbrella and rainjacket.  They say, "No problem, you know where they are."  Perfect.

7:02 AM:  Begin shaving face.

7:05 AM:  Finish shaving face.

7:05:01 AM:  Get a big smile across my face with the realization that I just had one of those near-perfect shaves, where your face hardly feels any irritation at all.  For those of you out there thinking, "What Mike, the 16 hairs are your face weren't feeling itchy???" I say, "Hey, you shut your mouth when you're talking to me!!!"

7:55 AM:  Walk outside, and while walking down the street, I realize I have forgotten both an umbrella AND a rainjacket.  Awesome.

7:55:01 AM:  Realize that it isn't raining anymore.  It isn't even drizzling.  Woohoo!!!

7:55:02 AM:  Remember that it's Friday.  Great success!!!!

7:59 AM:  See a hilarious cute little girl dressed up as a witch walking to school with her mom.

8:02 AM:  As I reach the top of the L platform, the purple line express train rolls up immediately.  Damn, I'm on a roll.

8:02:14 AM:  Walk onto the train, and there's actually a seat for me!

8:15 AM:  While riding the L, I see the following headline in the Chicago Red Eye, and laugh to myself because I have the maturity of a 14 year-old.

8:25 AM:  Walk into work early.

4:45 PM:  Done with work.  Time for the weekend.

6:30 PM:  Jim Beam and coke.  Need I say more?

7:30 PM:  Commence pumpkin carving for the first time since I was 12 or something like that.  I had forgotten how fun this is.  Chris, Zara and I carve two amazing pumpkins!  What a great day.

How sick are those?!?!  That's mine on the right and Chris and Zara's on the left (DOMO!!!).

And of course, the spooky dark shot.  Happy Halloween and happy weekend everybody!

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